Don't Leave Eden, Live in Eden: Removing Obstacles to Peace with Ganesha-mind


Ganesha, the remover of obstacles. Another name for Ganesha is Ganapati. The bija mantra (seed sound, powerful vibration) for Ganesha is GAM. Namah means "respect and adoration, devotion." Jai means VICTORIOUS.

When meditating on the positive qualities of Ganesha (being a good listener, being clever, being sweet, protective and kind), chant Gam Gam Gam, or the entire mantra, for a bit to focus your attention.

Ask how you might cultivate one or all of these qualities within yourself, on that day or in general, for yourself and for others, and see what arises. Let the answers come, don't force them. That's the point. When we pause, set the intention to understand one another and the entirety of a "problem" situation, we are more likely to be able to "remove the obstacle" in a way that is clever and satisfying for all involved rather than painful and destructive to one or more. 

OM Gam Ganapataye Namah! Jai!

On that blessed note, I can’t say enough about how excellent the play Leaving Eden  (an original drama with regional music exploring the impact experienced by North Carolina communities of color as a result of the closure of textile, furniture, and tobacco industry plants) by Mike Wiley was at Playmakers, Repertory Company in Chapel Hill last Friday night. Story, acting, set, music, direction all amazing and so moving. I was literally weeping during the curtain call. 

Humans, being intelligent creatures and beasts at the same time, are complicated, and complicate things... I am familiar with making things complicated, being complicated and conflicted, and the pain caused by fear, conflict, and cruelty - from others and within myself.

So I offer a prayer for inspiring productive communication, respectful tolerance, and loving thoughts and behavior... 

May the obstacle of fear, from which hatred, bigotry, discrimination and violence are born, weaken as we learn to see the truth

that all humans and the earth itself is created from love and lila

that we are all individual parts making up one whole divine body.

May those of us who practice be ever vigilant about weeding out the seed of fear within our own hearts,

each moment of every day,

so that we can more and more often choose to act from a place of broad-mindedness, respect, and generosity

and influence others to move in that direction for their own good, the good of all people and creatures, and for the good of the earth itself.






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